How to write a blog

How to write a blog

Blogging is a great way to position you as an expert in your field. It also helps you build an email list and a following – all are helpful as you endeavor to grow your organization’s profitability. Keep in mind that blogging is only part of your overall strategic marketing plan, and by the way, if you don’t have…

Website Updates

Website Updates

Don’t get caught off guard If you don’t have someone monitoring your website 24/7 for updates you’re leaving your company open to hackers who use ransomware and other means to make your life a living hell. When was the last time you or your designated webmaster checked for updates? Websites are not static, they’re dynamic….

Failure Sucks…but it’s a good teacher

Failure Sucks…but it’s a good teacher

Over the years, I have had great success at providing marketing and sales processes in many companies and organizations. I’ve also had my share of failures along the way and I have to tell you, I’ve learned more from my failures than I’ve ever learned from my successes. Failure builds character, success reveals it. So, in an…

3 common myths about UX design

3 common myths about UX design

User Experience (UX) is a critical element of an effective website. Myth #1 – White space is wasted space White space or “negative space”, referring to the empty space between and around elements of a design or page layout, is often overlooked and neglected. Although many may consider it a waste of valuable screen estate,…

interpersonal skills

interpersonal skills

Many years ago I attended a seminar that revolutionized my communication skills. I used to wonder why I “rubbed people the wrong way” or why I couldn’t remember names. Just curious but do you rely on the adage, “I just can’t remember names.”? Stop it. Now. Okay, that was a little direct but sometimes we…